Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Years Resolution

Here's my resolution for the new year: 400 DPI. (lol)

Just kidding, guys. My real new year's resolution is to start a blog. Now, to be technical, I'm actually restarting a blog, since I've had this blog around for a few years. A few summers ago I had the bright idea of uploading a bunch of weird records from my collection and posting them here, but then I got really lazy, and stopped after about 6 posts. But this time will be different....

Or not. But I'm gonna give it the ol' Harvard try. Mostly, I'll probably post stuff about CDs that I check out from the library. And some reviews of movies. And I'll probably take pot shots at celebrities or something. Who knows! It's an exciting but mysterious wilderness into which I enter. Change is coming, ladies and gentlemen. And change we shall have.

At the very least this blog should allow me to siphon time away from applying to law school and looking for a job, the two things I should be doing. But, with some hard work and elbow grease, this blog will one day distract me from working at my job and studying for law school. One can hope.

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